PicoScope 6000

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Ultimate Performance. Ultimate Value For Money

Oscilloscopes and digitizers in the PicoScope 6000 Series give you both ultimate performance and ultimate value for money. If you need a high–performance USB oscilloscope or a high–speed USB digitizer the PicoScope 6000 Series is for you.

  • Oscilloscopes
  • Digitizers

USB Oscilloscopes

PicoScope 6000

With 4 channels, up to 500 MHz bandwidth and 5 GS/s real–time sampling, the PicoScope 6000 Series are the ultimate USB oscilloscopes.

A quantum leap in PC–based test equipment, the PicoScope 6000 Series offer world–beating performance together with all the features you would expect from a PicoScope oscilloscope.

Finalist in the 2012 “Best in Test” awards

Product Channels Bandwidth Sampling Rate Buffer Memory Resolution (Enhanced) Price
PicoScope 6402A datasheet 4 + AUX input & Func Gen 250 MHz 5 GS/s 128 MS 8 bits
(12 bits)
PicoScope 6402B datasheet 4 + AUX input & AWG 250 MHz 5 GS/s 256 MS 8 bits
(12 bits)
PicoScope 6403A datasheet 4 + AUX input & Func Gen 350 MHz 5 GS/s 256 MS 8 bits
(12 bits)
PicoScope 6403B datasheet 4 + AUX input & AWG 350 MHz 5 GS/s 512 MS 8 bits
(12 bits)
PicoScope 6404A datasheet 4 + AUX input & Func Gen 500 MHz 5 GS/s 512 MS 8 bits
(12 bits)
PicoScope 6404B datasheet 4 + AUX input & AWG 500 MHz 5 GS/s 1 GS 8 bits
(12 bits)


  • AWG = Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Func Gen = Function Generator
  • Quoted sampling rates are for single–channel use.
  • * US Dollar and Euro prices are approximate.

USB Digitizers

PicoScope 6407

PicoScope USB Digitizers accept electrical signals in the frequency range of DC to 1 GHz, sample them at up to 5 GS/s and convert them to 8–bit digital values. The resulting data can be used in a wide variety of applications including research and development, debugging, instrumentation and testing.

PicoScope 6000 Series Digitizers have comparable features and specifications to traditional digitizers, but are cheaper, take up less space and their USB interface removes the need for a specialised mainframe.

PicoScope 6000 Series Digitizers include a free 5 year warranty

Product Channels Bandwidth Sampling Rate Buffer Memory Resolution (Enhanced) Price
PicoScope 6407 datasheet 4 + AUX input & AWG 1 GHz 5 GS/s 1 GS 8 bits
(12 bits)


  • Quoted sampling rates are for single–channel use.
  • * US Dollar and Euro prices are approximate.




